Go back to EPS Epoxy Surfboard Ding Repair Page 2
"Ding Prep"
EPS Epoxy Surfboard Ding Repair Step 3: "Filling the Ding"
Step 3: "Filling the Ding". Prepare the EPS foam plug for fitment into the cut out surfboard ding.

EPS Foam Plug - Side View
Position the foam for best fitment into the cut out ding. Some resizing may be required.

EPS Foam Surfboard Ding Repair - Foam Plug Fitment
Mark an approximate outline for the rough cut of the EPS foam plug.

EPS Foam Epoxy Surfboard Repair - Foam Plug Outlined
Using a coping saw cut out the rough outline.
EPS Epoxy Surfboard Ding Repair - Foam Plug Cut Out

EPS Epoxy Surfboard Ding Repair - Foam Plug Cut Out Complete
Go to EPS Epoxy Surfboard Ding Repair Page 4: "Filling the Ding" cont.